Top 5 ridiculous reasons not to buy life insurance from funny man Anthony Anderson. Anthony brings some much needed humor to what is normally a serious discussion. O the top 5 reasons, which one of the 5 are you? If you’re just getting started and need to talk,...
Employer Provided Life Insurance I do a great deal of work in Birmingham each year with life insurance for CPAs as well as employees who own the bulk of their life insurance through their employer provided option or the voluntary life insurance option. Most group...
-Taking 5 Minutes may save you $1,000s of dollars One of the most common questions I get from people is how much does my employer provided life insurance (and disability insurance) cost me compared to owning my own policy? I’ve done a great deal of work with...
The study that claimed chocolate helps you lose weight? It’s fake…
Enjoy your time this weekend with friends and family as we reflect on those who gave us the freedom to do so.