Because not all life insurance companies are the same. One of the misconceptions that I deal from time to time deals with life insurance companies and underwriting. All too often people assume that life insurance companies are all alike. I had a recent client mention...
IF YOU’RE CONFUSED ABOUT TERM LIFE INSURANCE — YOU’RE IN THE RIGHT PLACE! If you are confused about term life insurance, don’t be alarmed. If you’re new to life insurance or you’re researching this for the first time, you’re not alone. But...
I doubt that ostriches truly stick their head in the sand as a defense mechanism but I find the statistic all too true. There are many people who will not sit down with me because invariably the life insurance discussion will involve death. Why? They’re afraid...
I’m the first to admit that insurance companies and agents alike, in an attempt to provide numerous choices and options to simplify the life insurance buying process, have more often than not complicated life insurance. Its human nature really — if you put me in...